Protect your most important asset, you.

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Quotes from the top insurance companies


Why Policy Lynx?

Completely Independent

We provide unbiased advice, have access to multiple insurance carriers, and help you find the best coverage options and rates tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you make informed decisions about your insurance policies.

Affordable Rates

Since we are independent our goal is to help find you the right policy based on your needs. Since there is no universal fit, it is important to customize the policy based on your budget and what all you need to protect.

Helpful Tools

We have multiple calculators on our site to help you decide how much coverage you need. This helps ensure that you and your family are protected in case a premature death or disability occurs that prevents you from providing for your family.

Real Humans

We are here for you - if you need us. Some people want to be able to talk to an agent before making a decision on such an important issue. Our team has experts to help find you the optimal coverage to protect your family.

The Process

Phase 1: Run Quotes

Enter some basic information to get quotes from multiple companies to compare rates and coverage

Phase 2: Select Coverage

Choose the company, amount of coverage, and riders to find the policy that best fits your budget and needs

Phase 3: Complete App

Our company will assist you throughout the paperwork and underwriting process to get you approved

Run Quotes to Begin Your Protection Journey

Protection Calculators

Unsure about the amount of coverage needed to protect you and your family, we have tools for you

Life Insurance

The two most common ways of backing into the amount of life insurance needed are the ‘Needs Analysis Approach’ and ‘Human Life Value Approach’. A ‘Needs Analysis’ looks at how much money your family needs for future living expenses while ‘Human Life Value’ analyzes your income, how much longer you anticipate working, and your assets. 

Disability Insurance Calculator

Disability Insurance

The best way to calculate how much disability insurance you need is using a ‘Needs Analysis Approach’. Slightly different from the life insurance calculation because you are making sure that you have enough income from your disability policies, your spouse’s income, and other income to cover your living expenses and asset building you’re currently doing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Policy Lynx is an online insurance marketplace where you can shop for life and disability insurance. By having a marketplace approach, you are able to compare rates from multiple different insurance carriers helping to give you the best rates possible.

We are not an insurance company nor do we have any ownership in an insurance company. We are an independent meaning that we have no allegiance to a specific insurance company. Instead, we are here to help you get sufficient coverage at the best possible rates. 

Policy Lynx only sells life and disability insurance. For life insurance we focus on term and permanent insurance policies. For disability insurance we mainly focus on True Own Occupation policies.

We get paid via commission from insurance companies when you purchase a life or disability policy. The commission is included in the price of the policy and would be the same as if you went directly to the insurance company to purchase it.

No. We are paid via commission directly from the insurance company. The price of an insurance policy already includes insurance commissions, meaning there are no additional charges for our assistance in purchasing a policy.

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